Classes & Coaching (ENG)

Acting classes & Coaching

Ongoing Chubbuck Acting classes

'The Power of the Actor'

Weekly scene study classes  on Monday evenings

Next block: 23 September - 23 December 2024 (no class 21 October & 25 November)



This training consists of weekly ongoing study classes of each 3 hours.

From September to the end of May, there are 3 blocks of classes, which last 12 or 8 weeks. It is possible to start at the beginning of each block or commit to all 3 blocks.  


The classes are intended for professional actors, who already have some working experience and/or have completed a full-time drama school education. Also for those actors, it is essential to continue developing their skills. In class, the actors work on existing scenes from movies or plays. The classes are hands-on. Besides the commitment of 3 hours of classes, the participating actors also commit to rehearsing 4 to 8 hours per week with their respective scene partners. 

Costs: 450 euro excl 21% VAT for 12 classes of 3 hours. In most cases, a third of the tuition costs can be recuperated via werktuigppo.

Contact Romy for more information:  


Private Coaching (actors & directors)

Auditions, script analysis, character development

As an actor, you may contact Romy when you have an important audition. She can help you to make the most effective choices for your audition. She also coaches professional actors who have booked a part in a series, play or film. With an eye for detail, she helps actors to analyze the script, develop their character and make high stake choices in order to recreate a dynamic character with depth and many psychological layers. In doing so, the actor will be well prepared for the rehearsals with the director.

Romy also works with directors, who want thoroughly prepare themselves for a project. Actors and directors do not always speak the same language. Romy can help directors how to better communicate with actors, how to get the most out of their actors, so both parties benefit. 

Private coaching is in person or via Zoom in some cases

For more information, contact Romy via:

Intensive Acting Workshop for Actors (& Directors)

2 intensive days, during which you emerge yourself in the Chubbuck Technique.

FUTURE DATES: 23 & 24 November 2025 in Antwerp (BE)

This workshop is in English

The 2-day acting workshop is an intensive weekend or 2 consecutive Saturdays or Sundays, during which you work on one scene with the Chubbuck technique. In order to participate, actors are expected to have read Ivana’s book ‘ The Power of The Actor’  About 2 weeks prior to the workshop, they will receive a carefully selected scene and the contact details of their respective scene partner. They need to prepare the scene with the use of the 12 tools explained in 'The Power of The Actor' and also rehearse 4 tot 8 hours prior to the workshop and 4 hours after the first day of the workshop.  They will use different choices during the rehearsals. During the first workshop day, hey wil get notes from Romy which they will take into account during the new rehearsals. During the reworks of the second workshop day, they will work more until they finally can let go and be in the moment.

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Participants: 300 euro excl VAT

Active auditors: 90 euro excl VAT


Going to Los Angeles?

Ongoing lessen in de Chubbuck Studio & Amerikaanse dialect coach.

Ivana Chubbuck is the founder of the Chubbuck Studio in Los Angeles. The Studio offers a total of 16 weekly classes at 3 levels. Ivana teaches 3 masterclasses on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. You need to be invited by her in order to participate in her masterclasses. However, you may audit her Thursday class, after making a reservation on line.

For more information on studying at her studio in LA, contact Romy. She can also get you into contact with Ivana.

If you want to polish your English pronunciation and get an American and/or British accent, contact the American dialect coach Lora Mander.


For more information, send an e-mail to Romy: